

November 2023

COP28,  the acronym for Conference of the Parties, will hold its 28th meeting at the end of November in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  The United Nations  Paris Climate Agreement took place in 2015 at the 21st Meeting of the Parties or COP21.   The “parties” are member states of the UN who have signed on to the various conventions around the climate issue.  192 nations signed the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement’s central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. It is increasingly apparent that climate change is happening at an increasingly rapid rate. Extremely dangerous heat, unchecked wildfires in Canada and Siberia, powerful storms, rapid melting of Antarctic ice shelf,  lengthening droughts, freshwater shortages, and food insecurity have appeared more and more in the daily news.

Pope Francis has announced that he will attend COP 28. He is the first Pope to ever attend such a gathering of world leaders. In his recent Apostolic Exhortation, Laudate Deum, he repeats many of the messages of Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home which he released in 2015 prior to the Paris Climate Conference.  You can see his pattern – Laudate Deum comes only a few weeks prior to the opening of the COP28 in Dubai.   

Scientists are  watching with great concern the speedup of loss of ice in the  Antarctic and the implications for sea level rise.  Liquified natural gas exports from the U.S. have risen dramatically and it is not a good sign for climate efforts. It is inconceivable how the U.S. can claim to be reducing its carbon footprint at home while exporting fossil fuels to be burned elsewhere by other nations.

In Laudato Deum, Pope Francis urges those of us living in the global north to contact our government to urge them about COP 28 concerns.   The wealthy nations have tremendous influence, especially the United States and the EU.  We need to do better on the question of Loss and Damage.  We need to do better on the issue of reducing the debt of poor nations.  The fossil fuel industry will protect their assets but member states can still press governments on the financial obligations we owe to poorer nations.  Each of us can have an impact.   Here is a link to contact President Biden:

One of the outcomes of COP 27 was the establishment of a new loss and damage entity which will help developing countries to cope with the droughts, floods, storms, and other climate-induced catastrophes, whether their onset was fast or slow. In the wake of this landmark agreement, the focus now shifts to figuring out how to make this fund operational and able to receive substantial contributions to fulfill its enormous task. That will be one of the essential agenda items at COP28.

According to the UN Foundation the following are other major issues to be addressed at COP 28 and throughout 2023:

  • “Nothing that happened at COP 27 will diffuse the mounting pressure on countries to demonstrate at COP 28 in Dubai that they will take immediate and decisive action to keep the goals of the Paris Agreement within reach.”
  • “At COP 27, countries gave themselves a year to establish this new loss and damage facility and to organize other avenues and channels of funding accordingly.”
  • “There will be many opportunities to make further progress on food, agriculture, and climate in the year ahead — thanks to the newfound prominence on the global climate agenda.”
  • “In the coming year, we should expect the ‘mainstreaming’ of the ocean into global consciousness, and the recognition of the ocean as a source of solutions for humanity, to continue.”
  • “An effective global goal on adaptation would help the world to measure its progress and put the issue on more equal footing with mitigation.”

On a positive note for the U.S., 2022 delivered important progress in the climate change fight. The United States enacted its first-ever climate legislation. The Inflation Reduction Act will inject an unprecedented $369 billion of public spending and tax credits into the U.S. economy to boost clean energy clean infrastructure, and climate resilience over the next decade. The U.S. states will play a critical role in delivering the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act.” 

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Almost every day, the headlines on the news and in newspapers are announcing another climate
catastrophe – flooding in Pakistan, Eastern Kentucky, Australia, China, Brazil, and Montana…, a
hurricane devastated Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic while another one forms in the
Gulf, extreme droughts and fires in the U.S., Portugal, Spain, France, Italy…The list goes on, and
the catastrophic effects are real for millions of people. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and
helpless. But in the midst of all of the above, there are incredible initiatives taking place to
diminish the effects of climate change.

Here is some of the good news:
• Youth everywhere are organizing and speaking out challenging politicians in their
countries to take action. Young leaders like Greta Thunberg and Xiya Bastida are at the
forefront, but thousands from throughout the world are joining them and lifting their
voices and engaging in action.

• Environmentalist, author, and journalist Bill McKibben founded in 2007, a
global climate movement to defund fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy.
Through online campaigns, grassroots organizing, mass public actions, and collaboration
with an extensive network of partner groups and organizations, mobilized
thousands of volunteer organizers in over 188 countries. (
More recently, McKibben founded the Third Act for people over 60 who want to change
the world for the better by using their political and economic power to move Washington
and Wall Street to work towards a more just, equitable, and sustainable society and
planet. ( According to McKibben, “We back up the great work of younger
people and we make good trouble of our own.”

• Janine Benyus opened up the world of biomimicry through books, articles, Ted Talks, and more. Biomimicry is described as a “practice that learns from and mimics the
strategies found in nature to solve human design challenges and find hope.” She is
President of The Biomimicry Institute, a non-profit organization whose mission is to
naturalize biomimicry in the culture by promoting the transfer of ideas, designs, and
strategies from biology to sustainable human systems design.
Learn more about biomimicry at

• Dr. Jonathan Foley and Jamie Alexander work with Project Drawdown, whose mission is to help the world reach “drawdown”—the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change—as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.

Project Drawdown conducts ongoing reviews and analyses of practices and technologies
that can reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in Earth’s atmosphere and also are
1) currently available, 2) growing in scale, 3) financially viable, 4) able to have a net
positive impact, and 5) quantifiable under different scenarios. Their work shows the
world can reach drawdown by mid-century if people make the best use of all existing
climate solutions. Project Drawdown recognizes that “more solutions are needed and
emerging, but there is no reason—or time—to wait. Now is better than new, and society
is well equipped for transformation today.” (
If you want to learn more about Project Drawdown and how to have an impact on
global warming and be supported by others with a similar desire, sign up for a five-
session series that will empower you to be part of the solution to global warming
rather than part of the problem…

WHEN: 5 Thursdays, 7-9 PM (EST)
Oct. 6 – Nov. 3, 2022
WHERE: All sessions will take place on ZOOM. Register to get the Zoom link.
COST: It’s free!
SPONSOR: Pachamama Alliance of the Cincinnati Area (PACA)
TO REGISTER (send name, email, and phone #) to:
Jim Vogt ( or
Jennifer Melke-Marks ( (Jennifer is an SC Associate)

• Faith Communities Go Green (FCGG) is a local collaboration between The Green

Umbrella and Equasion, whose mission is to partner with religious communities in the
Greater Cincinnati area to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all by
mobilizing their moral voice to reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change.
Several upcoming events sponsored by FCGG to which you are invited are the
Green Cincinnati Plan: Faith Communities Meeting
Date/Time: September 28th, 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Location: William Howard Taft Building conference room
250 William Howard Taft
Lunch will be provided
Details and registration at

FCGG Book Club

Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by
Katharine Hayhoe
Date/Time: Thursday, October 27th from 7:00-8:00 PMDiscussion facilitated by Janet Steele
Free virtual event. Go to to register.

There is lots to be hopeful about. As the young activist Xiya Bastida said recently, “A vibrant

and regenerative future is possible-not when thousands of people do climate justice activism
perfectly, but when millions of people do the best they can.”

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Nyuntu Ninti

Nyuntu Ninti

(What you should know)

I have written often of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its increasingly dire warnings about the state of our planet. The most recent report released this year states that the world is running out of options to hit climate goals. In a statement released this week by U.N. Secretary General António Guterres he chastised the governments of high-emitting countries stating that they “are choking our planet, based on their vested interests and historic investments in fossil fuels.” He continued by saying that the latest IPCC report is a “file of shame cataloging empty pledges that put us firmly on track towards an unlivable world.” The changes that are needed to prevent catastrophic destruction to the planet indicate that the world must roughly halve emissions in the next eight years.

These warnings are not new, but are repeated with greater and greater urgency. However, I do not wish to dwell on the IPCC report, but rather heed Pope Francis’ call for an “ecological conversion.” He reminds us that “a change in lifestyle could bring healthy pressure to bear on those who wield political, economic and social power. Purchasing is always a moral–and not simply economic–act. Today, in a word, the issue of environmental degradation challenges us to examine our lifestyle.”

A change in lifestyle requires a change in consciousness; a change in the way we view and relate to the world around us. The title of this blog, Nyuntu Ninti, is an aboriginal term meaning “what you should know”. The Anangu people of Uluru, Australia, have existed for about 40,000 years. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans in 1788, two hundred thousand  aboriginal people lived in harmony with each other and the land. After their arrival thousands of aborigines died from diseases and their culture almost destroyed. Today, however, these people, like so many indigenous people of other lands, are reminding us of what is truly important. Here are some of the principles that guide their lives and which they offer us:

  • Everything here (in our land) is family. The trees are our family, all the animals that live with us are our family.
  • Our elders have always taught us that we are connected to everything; that “being alive connects you to every other living thing that’s around you. You’re never lost and you’re never, ever alone-you’re one with everything else that there is.”.
  • We never take more that we need. We don’t destroy anything that cannot produce again.
  • We believe Mother Earth looks after us and we in turn must look after her.
  • Everything is ours. Everything is family. No one is without when you think and live that way.

At a time when the world is in such upheaval and violence and hatred are the headlines in the news daily, perhaps we need to reevaluate what is truly important in life; to allow ourselves to have a conversion of heart. I would like to conclude this blog with the Aboriginal Ten Commandments which invite us to base our lives on love and respect.

Aboriginal Ten Commandments

Honor and Respect the Great Creator, the one who is above all.

Honor and Respect the Earth for we are physically and spiritually connected to all living and non-living things as we are their custodian kin.

Honor and Respect our ancient philosophy whereby ‘what is good enough for one is good enough for all’ as no one is above another, for all are equal.

Honor and Respect all members of Humanity for we are one ancient family, united and related through our kinship systems.

Honor and Respect every person’s right to freely practice and express in their own way their unique forms of spirituality, faith and beliefs.

Honor and Respect our ancient rule of sharing with one another so that no one is ever left without.

 Honor and Respect our ancient rule of caring for one another so that no one will ever feel alone.

Honor and Respect both our Elders and Youth for each are very important when it comes to generational change and the advancement of our Peoples.

 Honor and Respect that violence and substance abuse have no place within our lands, homes, and families.

 Honor and Respect other peoples home boundaries and never walk into the home 0f another without first being invited in, as it is our ancient way.

Pope Francis calls for an ecological conversion; a change of heart. The aboriginal wisdom shared above is an invitation to look at our lives and the changes that we are called to make. Imagine a world where Honor and Respect were the touchstones of our lives.


Randall, Bob and Melanie Hogan. Nyuntu Ninti (What you should know). ABC Books, 2009.

Kanyini. A youtube film about the Anangu people of Uluru, Australia

The Aboriginal Ten Commandments

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